Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Have you ever wanted to travel to Ethiopia?

So often when I talk to people about our adoption or my involvement with Children's HopeChest in Ethiopia, they say how great it would be to go there.  Well.......now is your chance!

I will be leading a team to Ethiopia in June 2012!  We will be staying a little over a week.  While we are there, we will be visiting Kebron as well as another care point or two.  We will also have a little time to explore and take in some of the Ethiopian culture!

I would love for you to join me!  I still have space on the team for YOU!!  As a sponsor of one of the children, this is an amazing opportunity to meet your sponsored child.  Nothing compares to how special it is to get to meet the child that you have been praying for, writing to and thinking about for so long.  Even if you aren't a sponsor, you have the opportunity to go and make a difference in the life of a child.  You can share the love of Jesus with children who may not have a parent to tell them how much they are loved or to just hold them. 

If you think you might want to go with me, just send me a note.  I'll be happy to send you more details!!


  1. Kristin,
    This is so exciting! We missed you on the trip this year, but to hear that you are leading a trip in June is fantastic! Such a blessing to have the opportunity to go--I hope many sponsors take it.

  2. Apryl,
    I missed you all so much!! I loved following along with everyone's posts and photos. I actually would like to talk with you about what you did and your trip to Lalibela. I'm getting my plans together for the week. I'll e-mail.
