Thursday, October 14, 2010

You CAN make a difference!!

I know that the number alone can seem overwhelming.  Over 143 million orphans in the world......that is a huge amount!  Please don't be discouraged into thinking it won't matter whether you do something or not.  YOU matter!!  You may not personally be able to make a difference with 143 million orphans but you can make a difference to one!  

By sponsoring a child, you can completely change their life.  Not only will their physical needs be met but they will also have access to an education and discipleship training.  This will impact their life but also may change the community that they live in.  It will have lasting effects!  YOU can play a part in this.  

I live in four weeks to go to Ethiopia.  I will be able to love on these children and let them know that someone cares for them who lives half way around the world.
Don't let the numbers discourage you, you CAN make a difference!

Please contact me if you are interested in sponsoring a child at Kebron.  I can hand deliver a package from you to your child when I travel in four weeks!

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