Monday, February 13, 2012

What In The World?

Wouldn't life be so much "nicer" if we could just acknowledge there were those out there who were hurting and hungry and needed help and just feel bad for them for a few minutes?  Then we could get back to our lives; grocery shopping, running kids to practices and activities, sporting events, doctor appointments and the list could go on and on.  Surely there is some person or some organization out there doing good things that could take care of them, right? 

But what if that person is you?  What is it that holds you back from making the difference in the life of just one hurting person?  I know statistics can be mind numbing and I could certainly throw some out there for you, but the reality is that numbers make it too easy to think it is just too overwhelming and I can't really make any impact.  The truth is though, that you can make a difference to one and to that one you are the world. 

I have so much respect for speaker and author, Beth Moore.  I recently saw her sharing about a mission trip she had taken to Africa and the impact that it had on her life.  As emotionally and physically hard as it was, she shared that she wouldn't have missed it for the world.  She went on to ask, "What are you missing for the world?  How hard is it to be able to get face to face with someone who is hurting?  Our inclination is to turn our heads.  It is hard to see someone in pain.  Is it hard because we know it could just as easily be me?  Can we allow ourselves to be that vulnerable?  Can we risk feeling their pain?  It is just about more than we can face unless we are driven by the love of Christ.  Then it is worth doing anything, going anywhere we need to go, to fulfill that calling."

My calling is serving the vulnerable children in Ethiopia.  Your calling may be different.  You may be called to another country or maybe even your own city or very own neighborhood.  I pray you have the strength to let yourself be vulnerable and truly relate with someone in their pain.  The hope that you can bring to that person is worth more than any thing in this world.  Any sacrifice, financial or time, we make on behalf of someone who needs to feel the unconditional love of our savior, is worth it.  Let's don't just do life being comfortable, let's do life making a difference.

I will be traveling to Ethiopia the first week of June.  Maybe now is the time for you to challenge yourself or step out of your comfort zone.  It's not too late to join me.  Please contact me if you would like more details.